24h de l’animation

The Anima Festival is pleased to present a Zorobabel selection of les 24H de l’Animation 2023!
Each day of the Festival, Zorobabel released new animated sequences made during les 24H de l'Animation.
In partnership with Chez Zelle.
The Circle Square Project
This year's edition of 24H de l'Animation theme is the following: it consists of going from a circular shape, at the beginning, to a square at the end, by any means: in a narrative*, abstract**, graphic, pictorial, typographic, geometric, organic, fluid, discontinuous, musical, artisanal, digital, symbolic, contemplative, anecdotal, disruptive, experimental, materialist, psychological, burlesque way, etc.
Teaser - 24H de l'Animation
The Circle square project- theme of 24H de l'Animation 2023
Dennis Guerra & Arnaud Boulanger
Catherine Xu - Burger Metro
Étienne Grignon - Monocycle
Éric Ronsse - Ice ice Belisse
Julie Senecal - From circle to square
François Bizel et Ilaria Chicca - Clochard d’assaut
Loadless - Migraine
Loyda Mejia Rondo
Max Kway - Formes hors normes
Manon Karmoussi
Marie Royer - Confetti
Max Lunion - Du cercle au carré
Mathilde Chevrier
Neige Cavallini - Tangerine morning
William Van der Avoort - Frog
Pauline Aviles - Café salé
Théo Guyot, Thomas Leclercq & Pierre Watteyne - La Meule
Aurélie dMdH
Une de plus
Valentin Leclercq
Victoria - Églantine, la fleur de la galaxie
Zinia Scorier - Transforme
Mathis Dubrul - Rond carré