Visitor’s Rules

Regulations to the Attention of all Anima Festival Visitors
These rules apply to everyone visiting the Anima Festival in Brussels, including the general public, Festival staff, service providers and subcontractors.
Access to the theatres
Only those in possession of a ticket may access the theatres and conference rooms. Once the official start time has passed, we reserve the right to refuse access to spectators, even if they are in possession of a valid ticket. Anima does not refund tickets, except in the event of cancellation of the screening due to the Festival's responsibility.
The Festival recommends that you follow the recommended age signs, especially for young children. We strongly advise against screenings for children under the age of 3, as the sound volume is unsuitable for young ears. It is forbidden to make noise during film screenings. Viewers are asked to switch off their mobile phones, smartphones and/or other devices. Anyone responsible for causing a noise nuisance (including babies) will be asked to leave the auditorium immediately.
Inappropriate behaviour
Visitors behaving inappropriately (drunkenness, aggressiveness) inside or outside the rooms will be asked to leave the building immediately.
Any type of harassment (moral or sexual) is prohibited and punishable by law. If you are a victim of, or witness to, inappropriate behaviour, you can contact our Well-Being Manager Evelyne Robiette directly, at the guest reception desk in the main entrance.
It is imperative that you respect the listed building: no damage, no posters or wall hangings, and respect for the soul of the building.
Flyers may not be deposited (unless a request has been accepted in advance). Please sort and dispose of rubbish in the appropriate bins and keep the building clean. Smoking is not permitted in the building, including the dressing rooms. Throwing cigarette butts on the public highway (at the Flagey entrance, for example) is punishable by a fine.
It is forbidden to bring food or drink into the theatre, or to eat or drink during film screenings.
It is forbidden to run, especially on the stairs, to avoid falls. Children are the responsibility of their carers: please be vigilant and attentive, especially on the balconies. We accept no responsibility for loss or theft in the cloakroom or elsewhere. We recommend that you exercise the utmost vigilance in this respect.
The exhibits contain valuable objects: please respect them and do not touch them.
For all other matters, Festival Anima invites you to refer to the Civil Code.
The nearest police station is located Rue du Collège, 1, 1050 Ixelles (open 24/24 and 7/7).