28 February - 09 March 2025 D-128

During the year

Resource Centre

Resource Centre

Over the years Anima has been gathering together many resources about animation in Belgium and all over the world.

This documentation is made up of technical data sheets, photos, slides, press kits and other documents connected to the films, some of which exist digitally.
The Festival also has a large collection of animated shorts and features on DVD, as well as a Festival archive including previous radio and TV spots, posters etc.

These archives can be consulted by special request (info@folioscope.be) from mid-April to mid-December.


Everything you've always wanted to know about animation in Belgium… and have made a point of asking us!

This part of the Anima website is for all those interested in Belgian animation who would like to have a first-hand and updated source about the industry in Belgium.
©: Reproduction in whole or in part of any texts from the following list is subject to prior authorization.
For all requests contact: gazette@folioscope.be

Le Benelux, laboratoire de l’Europe animée, by Philippe Moins (2007-2013)
La Belgique s’anime, by Alain Lorfèvre (2012)
Les écoles d'animation en Belgique, by Alain Lorfèvre (2011)
Le Festival Anima, by Alain Lorfèvre (2011)
Focus sur une école: La Cambre, by Alain Lorfèvre (2011)
Courts métrages: une génération féconde, by Alain Lorfèvre (2011)

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