28 February - 09 March 2025
What Are You Looking At?
LUCA School of Arts - Campus Sint-Lukas Brussel

What Are You Looking At?

National student films
Chen-Yi LIU

Belgium, Taiwan

2024 / 6’ / 12+

Short film

What Are You Looking At?
LUCA School of Arts - Campus Sint-Lukas Brussel

A moon bear tries to find its way in a human-dominated world, out of its natural habitat. The film explores the problematic relation of our societies with animals. The anthropomorphizing of animals in films contributes to 'human exceptionalism', raising further questions about the coexistence of animals and humans.

Sun 2 March19:15 - 20:35 Marni
OV sub FR NL EN | Tickets
In the presence of:
- Hasan Pastaci, director of the film Sphere Supreme ;
- Eleni Aerts, director of the film Red Meat ;
- Marie-Hélène Van Thuyne, director of the film JUDY1964 ;
- Chen-Yi Liu, director of the film What Are You Looking At? ;
- Orianne Cambier, director of the film Room to Grow ;
- Félice Ronzon, director of the film Esca ;
- Angèle Vergoni & Sarah Vanhoeck, directors of the film Presqu'-îles ;
- Tata Managadze, director of the film Lights, Haze.
Thu 6 March16:45 - 18:05 Marni
OV sub FR NL EN | Tickets
In the presence of:
- Eleni Aerts, director of the film Red Meat ;
- Marie-Hélène Van Thuyne, director of the film JUDY1964 ;
- Chen-Yi Liu, director of the film What Are You Looking At? ;
- Félice Ronzon, director of the film Esca ;
- Oriane Cambier, director of the film Room to Grow.
Sat 8 March12:30 - 13:50 Marni
OV sub FR NL EN | Tickets
In the presence of:
- Vincent Consten, director of the film L'Envol ;
- Félice Ronzon, director of the film Esca ;
- Orianne Cambier, director of the film Room to Grow ;
- Eleni Aerts, director of the film Red Meat ;
- Marie-Hélène Van Thuyne, director of the film JUDY1964 ;
- Chen-Yi Liu, director of the film What Are You Looking At? ;
- Quirijn Dees, director of the film Pubert Jimbob.
DirectionChen-Yi LIU
ScreenplayChen-Yi LIU
EditorChen-Yi LIU
MusicTsung-Yang WANG
SoundTsung-Yang WANG
ProductionLUCA School of Arts - Campus Sint-Lukas Brussel

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