23 February - 03 March 2024
Sirocco et le Royaume des courants d'air © Le Parc Distribution - Les Grignoux asbl - JEF

Masterclass Music in Animation with Pablo Pico


Kevin Seddiki

Composer and artist Pablo Pico is the man behind the music for numerous animated shorts and features, including Sirocco et le Royaume des courants d’air, Maman pleut des cordes, L’Extraordinaire Voyage de Marona, Adama and the Chien pourri series. He has received many awards for his work and this has enabled him to collaborate with musicians such as Oxmo Puccino, Isabel Sörling and Arthur H.

The Anima Festival is privileged to be hosting an exceptional masterclass with the artist, in which he will share his expertise and talent and reveal all the secrets of composing music for animated films.

Pablo Pico

Language • English

Price • €25 / €20 (students age -26)

With the support of the Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds (VAF) and the French Embassy in Belgium and the Institut français Paris, as part of EXTRA, a program that supports French contemporary creation in Belgium. 

Saturday 2 13:30 - 16:00Flagey - Studio 1
EN | Tickets


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